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October 2024 All-Star: Brooke Sneed
One of the great things about hunting is the ability to pass it down to younger generations. For many parents, one of the greatest accomplishments is watching their child embrace that tradition and succeed competitively in it. Brooke Sneed and her father, Daniel, share a love for coon hunting, a passion that has led Brooke to achieve remarkable success in the world of competitive youth hunting.
Daniel Sneed has been hunting since he could walk, so it was only natural for him to pass the tradition down to his daughter, Brooke. She first went hunting with her dad at around five years old, with her dog Wagoner. “The first time I ever went hunting, I can't remember much, but I do know that I wasn’t interested in it at first. It took me a few years to start liking it,” Brooke recalls.
Brooke began competition hunting around the age of thirteen. “The first time I ever entered a competition hunt, I fell in love with it. I love the feeling of adrenaline and pressure,” she says. Her first win was at a small youth hunt at the Lincoln County Coon Club.
Outside of hunting, Brooke is involved in multiple leadership and volunteer clubs at school. She serves as Vice President of her high school’s FFA, is an intern at a local vet office, and participates on her church's worship team. She plans to pursue a doctorate in veterinary medicine and open her own practice after high school.
Brooke has won the UKC Youth Nationals two years in a row and the North Carolina Youth State Championship this past year. This year, she is taking her dog, Epp, to the UKC World Hunt. Afterward, Brooke and Daniel plan to compete in the UKC Tournament of Champions and other truck hunts. Another tradition Brooke inherited from her father is their loyalty to Joy Dog Food. “My dad has always liked Joy. We hear a lot of hunters use it and talk about it. Out of the dog foods we have fed in the past, Joy has been the best. Our dogs seem to really like it, and it increases their energy,” Brooke shares.
If you want to feed your dog like a champion, try Joy’s High Energy 24/20, Brooke and Daniel's formula of choice. With 510 and 505 k/cals per cup, Joy Dog Food will fuel your dog all night long. Visit our website to find a dealer near you!

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